Air Quality Update

Wildfire season is upon us and that means the potential for low air quality – read the following to find out more about how to deal with air quality this summer

Canadian Sport Institute Pacific Hosts Fifth Annual Research Day

Multisport, interdiciplinary research on a dozen topics shared with the goal of improving Canada’s medal performances VICTORIA, BC – Many of the brightest minds in the world of sport science gathered together on February 26th for Canadian Sport Institute Pacific’s fifth annual research day. With a central goal of collaboration between scientists, sports and institutes…

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Team Canada makes statement to embrace next generation LGBTQ+ athletes

post courtesy Canadian Olympic Committee.  photo courtesy Adam Pulicicchio/COC – TORONTO (June 21, 2019) – To kick-off Pride weekend festivities in Toronto, the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) and the Canadian Olympic Foundation (Foundation) have made a statement to the sport community embracing the next generation of LGBTQ+ athletes. Olympic champion Eric Radford announced Friday, on behalf…

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Canadian Sport School Victoria to Host Third Annual Media Day

Canada’s rising star student-athletes to meet media to discuss their seasons and future plans With its eighth year of operation nearly completed, Canadian Sport School Victoria (CSS Victoria) is hosting its annual Media Day on Thursday, May 23rd between 11:30am and 12:30pm. CSS Victoria Media Day is an opportunity for the 29 students from the…

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Canadian Sport Institute Pacific to Helps to Find the Best Young Minds in Performance Analysis through ASA Datafest 2019

North American’s top post-secondary Performance Analysis students compete in 9th annual Datafest VICTORIA, BC – Looking to work with the top undergraduate students in North America in the fields of Data Analytics, Canadian Sport Institute Pacific (CSI Pacific) co-sponsored ASA Datafest for the first time in 2019. The American Statistical Association (ASA) DataFest is a…

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Canadian Sport Institute Pacific to provide free access to cutting edge sport science content for the first time

CSI Pacific’s Speaker Series On Demand content, previously restricted to Canada’s elite athletes and coaches, now available to the general population at no cost Canadian Sport Institute Pacific’s (CSI Pacific) is happy to announce that they have made their Sport Performance Speaker Series free to the general public. Previously limited to only targeted, high performance…

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