The Best Possible YOU – it’s Performance Nation
Powered by the tech and scientists behind Canada’s Olympians and Paralympians, PERFORMANCE NATION is your personal toolkit for optimal results, on and off the field of play.
The world-class sport science experts at Canadian Sport Institute Pacific (CSI Pacific) will use the expertise that has contributed to Canada’s Olympic & Paralympic success and provide performance solutions through Physiology, Data Analysis, Strength & Conditioning and Sport Technology.
A full range of services are available to the public, regardless of age, gender, skill level, athletic or fitness goals.
Whether you want to hit new weightlifting heights, run a quicker half-marathon, race through the Gran Fondo or be better and stronger at your job, PERFORMANCE NATION is for you.

The Team Behind the Team for Canada's Top Athletes
PERFORMANCE NATION is a program created by the Canadian Sport Institute Pacific (CSI Pacific). The Canadian Sport Institute Pacific provides world-leading Olympic and Paralympic daily training environments to elite athletes and coaches in British Columbia. With the support of our partners, our team of experts deliver sport science and medicine, coaching and life services to Power Podium Performances and help Canada win more medals.
Utilizing CSI Pacific's World-Class Scientists and Expertise
All PERFORMANCE NATION staff are CSI Pacific staff and are part of the team working with Canada’s elite athletes. People accessing PERFORMANCE NATION services will be utilizing that same expertise and the same world-class staff behind so much of Canada’s international success.