Enhancing Provincial Sport Excellence

Powering Podiums is a series of high performance sport technical oriented workshops geared toward BC’s provincial and disability sport organizations. The aim of these workshops is to provide the sport sector relevant information to improve sport excellence in BC and achieve BC government benchmark of athletes on national teams. A wide variety of topics will be sourced based on feedback and observations from provincial sport organizations. Workshop sessions are typically 2 to 4 hours depending on the topic.

Powering Podiums is a joint program created by Canadian Sport Institute Pacific and viaSport

Recent Events

Targeting the Athlete Pathway

In this Powering Podiums session, Targeting the Athlete Pathway, we heard from the CSI System Enhancement Team and Kevin Bowie from viaSport who shared updates on the Athlete Pathway including: an update on the High-Performance landscape, the Enhanced Excellence program, an update on the registration system and upcoming new Digital Passport, updates around RBC Training Ground and the BC Games Prep Program along with an update on the CSI Pacific Performance Nation program and what it can offer to athletes and PSO’s.

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