The Powering Podiums event from November 25, 2021, hosted online.

Many thanks to everyone who attended this event. As you may remember we collected your feedback and comments, which you will find below.

If you’d like to watch any specific parts of the video again, here are some time stamps to help you:

Part 1 – Introduction and Enhanced Excellence background 0.01 to 41.16

Part 2 – PSO Best Practices- Basketball and Cross Country Skiing 47.00 to 1:33.57

Part 3 – viaSport Survey Summary and group Discussion Feedback 1:42.00 to 1:43.58 and 2:32.15 to end

Enhanced Excellence funding began as part of British Columbia’s targeted sport strategy leading into and following the 2010 Vancouver Olympic games.  This workshop is open to all PSO/DSOs technical staff, provincial coaches and organization leaders.

CSI Pacific and viaSport will update on the history and impact of the program in recent years, with an aim to get sector feedback on funding procedures.

As a key feature to all Powering Podium events, we have asked some PSOs to share their practices throughout the past 20 months.

Feedback from November 2021’s Powering Podiums Enhanced Excellence Webinar

HP Leadership – Demonstrated high performance leadership (coach or manager) leading the program

How is this objective relevant?

  • The metric is seen as relevant as leadership is required to guide the program
  • Very important to have HP coach supported

What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?

  • When this is a new role in the sport its challenging to figure out the priorities
  • Disconnect between Clubs, PSO, NSO
  • Overlap in NSO reach
  • If there are not enough funds may not get the right person for the role
  • Hard to invest in leadership without EE funding
  • No recognition for support provided by cubs
  • The culture of the sport may need approval from different groups (seniors) to move forward

How could/should it be assessed?

  • Need more objective measures, the rubric is highly subjective
  • Recognize the support that is provide to HP coaches at the club level by the PSO
  • The ability of the HP coach to monitor the program, show sustainability and grow the program
  • The evaluations is on how much staff time is allocated, can coach qualification be linked into this assessment
  • Certification levels of coaches
  • A lot of subjectivity in the rubric, only one is objective. This is a concern. How do you evaluate how much % of staff time is dedicated to coaching/leadership?

Gap Analysis- Clearly identified areas for enhancement and/or gap analysis

How is this objective relevant?

  • Is FMS testing a relevant testing measure?

What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?

  • GMP’s are NSO driven and can be challenging to get access to this info
  • Context for PSO’s, need alignment in provincial programming and standards required.

How could/should it be assessed

  • Technical and tactical measurements to be included
  • This could be relevant to some sports more than others

Pathway and Results- Demonstrated ability to move athletes through the pathway and achieve results

How is this objective relevant?

  • Seen as relevant and clearly understood by PSO stakeholders

What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?

  • National Team is small, limited by capacity
  • USports athletes may be missed
  • Some clubs don’t push athletes upwards
  • NSO tryouts in eastern Canada, financial barriers
  • Team sports could be influenced by geography
  • Inconsistencies within NSO selection policies

How could/should it be assessed?

  • Sport specific nuance within PD1 and PD 2
  • Make individual versus team sports evaluation is equitable
  • NAIG performance should be included as a metric
  • Add in pro sport as metric
  • In some sports NCAA is the pinnacle or entry to Natl team

NSO Alignment- Strong linkages with the NSO and/or alignment to NSO pathway or LTAD

How is this objective relevant?

  • Strong alignment is key to bench-marking provincial program
  • Tracking and moving athletes through the pathway

What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?


  • Changes is NSO criteria and timing of the changes are difficult to manage
  • If NSO has no GMP
  • Next gen athletes don’t always receive NSO funding
  • Communications and discussions are not always followed through
  • Lack of selection criteria from NSO
  • Some sports have greater opportunity to build alignment
  • Hard to build alignment if NSO funding doesn’t value alignment as a metric

How could/should it be assessed?

  • How many touch-points each year
  • Look at a metric for ‘soft’ interactions
  • Different factors around male and female sports

HP Programming- Established HP program in place with year-round/annual training objectives

How is this objective relevant?

  • Closes gaps in the development system
  • Assists athletes in their development towards the upper levels of the sport

What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?

  • Centralization/Decentralization
  • Training contact time and where the athletes are training
  • Hard to attend and coordinate camps for athletes
  • Difficulty in scheduling and completing testing protocols
  • Differing levels of play/competition
  • Changes and inconsistencies at the NSO level
  • Venue and facility challenges limiting athlete’s ability to participate in the sport
  • Athlete and coach turnover

How could/should it be assessed?

  • Assessing number of centralized and decentralized training days
  • Look at adjusting number of training days
  • Increasing the use of technology

Planning- Clear plan and/or priorities that demonstrate ability to build on current programming

How is this objective relevant?

  • Totally relevant-no other comments

What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?

  • Some coaches don’t want to share YTP’s
  • Large athlete and coach pool can lead to subpar YTP’s
  • Club coaches create schedules instead of YTP’s
  • At the club level YTP is produced but not used
  • Plan can change based on results or the calendar changing
  • For smaller sports can be challenging when NSO isn’t plan driven
  • Some YTP’s don’t change over time
  • A general need for upskilling

How could/should it be assessed?

  • People are happy with the assessment process

Coaching– Ability to continue to develop coaching practices and leadership

How is this objective relevant?

  • Generally seen as relevant
  • PSO’s see value in holding coaches to a higher standard

What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?

  • Difficult to get coaches interested in ProCoach
  • All sports looking for new coaches
  • Need better access to coach certification- sport specific and multi-sport
  • Coaches not sure why they need to take courses
  • Delays with the NSO effect the PSO
  • Needs to be easier to get coach educators
  • Lack of alignment between PSO and NSO

How could/should it be assessed?

  • No comments

Budget- Clearly identified budget showing realistic and appropriate spending of EE funding

How is this objective relevant?

  • Template for reporting is broad enough and allows for ability to diversify spending

What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?

  • Template is one dimensional- difficult to compare and show impact
  • Increasing costs but static EE funding
  • Pressures from NSO to leverage funding – overlap in reporting and in funding (next gen)

How could/should it be assessed?

  • Ability to show impact of funding