Feedback from November 2021’s Powering Podiums Enhanced Excellence Webinar
HP Leadership – Demonstrated high performance leadership (coach or manager) leading the program
How is this objective relevant?
- The metric is seen as relevant as leadership is required to guide the program
- Very important to have HP coach supported
What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?
- When this is a new role in the sport its challenging to figure out the priorities
- Disconnect between Clubs, PSO, NSO
- Overlap in NSO reach
- If there are not enough funds may not get the right person for the role
- Hard to invest in leadership without EE funding
- No recognition for support provided by cubs
- The culture of the sport may need approval from different groups (seniors) to move forward
How could/should it be assessed?
- Need more objective measures, the rubric is highly subjective
- Recognize the support that is provide to HP coaches at the club level by the PSO
- The ability of the HP coach to monitor the program, show sustainability and grow the program
- The evaluations is on how much staff time is allocated, can coach qualification be linked into this assessment
- Certification levels of coaches
- A lot of subjectivity in the rubric, only one is objective. This is a concern. How do you evaluate how much % of staff time is dedicated to coaching/leadership?
Gap Analysis- Clearly identified areas for enhancement and/or gap analysis
How is this objective relevant?
- Is FMS testing a relevant testing measure?
What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?
- GMP’s are NSO driven and can be challenging to get access to this info
- Context for PSO’s, need alignment in provincial programming and standards required.
How could/should it be assessed
- Technical and tactical measurements to be included
- This could be relevant to some sports more than others
Pathway and Results- Demonstrated ability to move athletes through the pathway and achieve results
How is this objective relevant?
- Seen as relevant and clearly understood by PSO stakeholders
What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?
- National Team is small, limited by capacity
- USports athletes may be missed
- Some clubs don’t push athletes upwards
- NSO tryouts in eastern Canada, financial barriers
- Team sports could be influenced by geography
- Inconsistencies within NSO selection policies
How could/should it be assessed?
- Sport specific nuance within PD1 and PD 2
- Make individual versus team sports evaluation is equitable
- NAIG performance should be included as a metric
- Add in pro sport as metric
- In some sports NCAA is the pinnacle or entry to Natl team
NSO Alignment- Strong linkages with the NSO and/or alignment to NSO pathway or LTAD
How is this objective relevant?
- Strong alignment is key to bench-marking provincial program
- Tracking and moving athletes through the pathway
What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?
- Changes is NSO criteria and timing of the changes are difficult to manage
- If NSO has no GMP
- Next gen athletes don’t always receive NSO funding
- Communications and discussions are not always followed through
- Lack of selection criteria from NSO
- Some sports have greater opportunity to build alignment
- Hard to build alignment if NSO funding doesn’t value alignment as a metric
How could/should it be assessed?
- How many touch-points each year
- Look at a metric for ‘soft’ interactions
- Different factors around male and female sports
HP Programming- Established HP program in place with year-round/annual training objectives
How is this objective relevant?
- Closes gaps in the development system
- Assists athletes in their development towards the upper levels of the sport
What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?
- Centralization/Decentralization
- Training contact time and where the athletes are training
- Hard to attend and coordinate camps for athletes
- Difficulty in scheduling and completing testing protocols
- Differing levels of play/competition
- Changes and inconsistencies at the NSO level
- Venue and facility challenges limiting athlete’s ability to participate in the sport
- Athlete and coach turnover
How could/should it be assessed?
- Assessing number of centralized and decentralized training days
- Look at adjusting number of training days
- Increasing the use of technology
Planning- Clear plan and/or priorities that demonstrate ability to build on current programming
How is this objective relevant?
- Totally relevant-no other comments
What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?
- Some coaches don’t want to share YTP’s
- Large athlete and coach pool can lead to subpar YTP’s
- Club coaches create schedules instead of YTP’s
- At the club level YTP is produced but not used
- Plan can change based on results or the calendar changing
- For smaller sports can be challenging when NSO isn’t plan driven
- Some YTP’s don’t change over time
- A general need for upskilling
How could/should it be assessed?
- People are happy with the assessment process
Coaching– Ability to continue to develop coaching practices and leadership
How is this objective relevant?
- Generally seen as relevant
- PSO’s see value in holding coaches to a higher standard
What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?
- Difficult to get coaches interested in ProCoach
- All sports looking for new coaches
- Need better access to coach certification- sport specific and multi-sport
- Coaches not sure why they need to take courses
- Delays with the NSO effect the PSO
- Needs to be easier to get coach educators
- Lack of alignment between PSO and NSO
How could/should it be assessed?
Budget- Clearly identified budget showing realistic and appropriate spending of EE funding
How is this objective relevant?
- Template for reporting is broad enough and allows for ability to diversify spending
What are the current challenges or barriers in this objective?
- Template is one dimensional- difficult to compare and show impact
- Increasing costs but static EE funding
- Pressures from NSO to leverage funding – overlap in reporting and in funding (next gen)
How could/should it be assessed?
- Ability to show impact of funding