Disease Update:
The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 is over 6.5 million with over 3 million recovered and 383,000 deaths. Mortality rate in Canada is 8 %. Many countries are continuing to reopen aspects of their economies and loosen restrictions and we are monitoring the results carefully.
In Canada we have over 92,400 cases, 7,400 deaths and 50,000 (55%) recovered. Of the 34,000 presently active cases in Canada 97% are classified as mild. The curve has been flattened for the most part with few “hot spots” but we must continue to be diligent as the weather improves and some relaxation of measures may be taken as a green light by some to return to “normal” way of doing things.
This progressive relaxation of restrictions will have an impact on training and access to facilities, but timing will differ across regions and across different sports. Each athlete and sport is working on plans and using the guidelines as set out in the R-SAT (Return to Sport Assessment Tool) and the recent publication of the COVID-19 Return to High Performance Sport Framework from the High Performance Return to Sport Task Force.
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