Canadian Sport Institute Pacific Talent Development Coach Ryan Mallette will assume the lead role of HPC – Victoria as Interim Head Coach immediately. Mallette has been coaching the top centre athletes since late January due to the late Randy Bennett’s battle with cancer. In the meantime Swimming Canada will also be undertaking a process of recruitment for this position on a full-time basis.
Mallette a will continue to coach the HPC – Victoria athletes and has been given full oversight of the program, including all technical decision-making. He will report to Swimming Canada High Performance Director John Atkinson.
Mallette will also in this period continue to have oversight and full responsibilities for the Canadian Sport Institute NextGen program as well as oversight and responsibility of the Claremont School program. A close working relationship will continue with the Island Swimming Club program in an advisory capacity.
Swimming Canada Senior High Performance Manager (operations) Iain McDonald will continue to provide leadership support to the centre from an operational perspective. Dr. Allan Wrigley, Swimming Canada Integrated Support Team (IST) Director, will continue to work through this interim period in an enhanced support role to the centre.
Own the Podium, Canadian Sport Institute Pacific and Island Swimming are fully aware of the strategy for the interim basis and the plans for the recruitment of the HPC – Victoria head coach.