Canadian Sport Institute Staff Pacific Staff Run Sodium Bicarbonate Pilot Project

During July, staff at Canadian Sport Institute Pacific’s Victoria campus stepped forward as participants in a pilot project, examining the effect of sodium bicarbonate in athletes. The study was orchestrated locally by Canadian Sport Institute Pacific’s Nutrition Lead Susan Boegman, in collaboration with Jason Siegler from Western Sydney University. The Institute’s Elissa Alairie, Lindsay Jennerich,…

High Performance Tweets with CSI Pacific & CSEP

Members of Canadian Sport Institute Pacific’s physiology team took part in Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology‘s Twitter chat, “#CSEPGoldChat”, on Thursday morning, discussing high performance athletes and integrated support teams. Check out the questions asked and the answers given by James Brotherhood, Stacey Hutton, Paula McFadyen*, Wendy Pethick*, and Trent Stellingwerff. * Paula McFadyen and…