Disease Update:

The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 world-wide is over 40.2 million with over 30.3 million recovered and 1.1 million deaths. Mortality rate in Canada is 4.9 %. In Canada we have over 202,000 cases, 9,781 deaths and 167,112 (84%) recovered.

The number of cases in Canada continues to rise with reintroduction of many restrictions occurring across the country. In many of the countries affected before Canada there have been reports of a significant second wave and some clusters of COVID-19 many times associated with larger gatherings. In some countries the numbers of cases are at all time highs and this reinforces the need to remain careful and follow recommendations on hand washing, physical distancing and use of masks which is now mandatory in some provinces in Canada and many countries in the world. Each sport is encouraged to continue working on or revising plans and using the guidelines as set out in the Return to Sport Assessment Tool (R-SAT) and the Return to Competition Assessment Tool (R-CAT). Due to the rising numbers in Canada new quarantine restrictions have been introduced in many countries that may further impact travel to international competition and camps and should be taken into account for any planning and risk assessment.


Travel for Purposes of Training and Competitions

After review of the provincial regulations, SMAC has put together the following Provincial and Territorial Travel Guidelines on traveling within Canada from one jurisdiction to another for the purposes of training. This is a fluid situation, and we recommend that the links be checked regularly as provinces are changing their recommendations as the situation allows. This has been updated as of 20 October 2020.


Return to Health and Performance Following COVID-19 Infection

As medical information emerges on athletes that have recovered from COVID-19 infections as well as research groups analyze data from patients post infection, SMAC has reviewed the current literature and developed Guidelines for Return to Performance Post COVID-19 Infection. This is not intended to provide guidance in how to treat the disease but rather, it is intended to assist health care professionals in returning athletes to training. As more evidence is gathered and research is published these guidelines will be updated. The Guidelines will be provided through expert provider groups including CASEM, Sport Physio Canada and CATA as well as any other group that requests it. It is important that NSOs provide this document to its medical staff for review and implementation.


Celebrating Best Practice: Case Studies

Recently, the Return to Sport Task Force approved the development of specific case studies that highlight best practice in our country amongst NSOs and PSOs. Canoe Kayak Canada and Ski Cross provide an overview of the considerations and decisions taken to develop and execute effective return to training and competition plans. In our next SMAC Advisory, we will highlight Wheelchair Rugby Canada and Curling Canada.


COVID-19 Database

In response to increasing demand for more information regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the high performance community, Own the Podium (OTP) and the Return to Sport Task Force have initiated development of a database of medical and non-medical information to be tracked weekly. NSO Medical Leads, as well as Technical Leaders, will be requested to respond to a brief survey weekly or biweekly to track information which will be shared via an accessible platform. The intent is to augment NSO and PSO work in validating mitigation strategies and to share the positive impact of their return to training or competition plans. More information will be released in coming weeks.


CCES COVID-19 Testing Update

Link to the CCES COVID-19 page

eLearning module:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the CCES at

Click on image below to expand:

Coronavirus COVID graphic - SMAC

Updated links from the Government of Canada and WHO

Further Questions

Further information about COVID-19 may be obtained from your NSO Chief Medical Officer or Team Physician, or the Chief Medical Officers of the Sport Medicine Advisory Committee.