As of March 19 the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 is over 220,000 globally, with approximately 85,000 recovered and over 9,000 deaths. The largest surges in cases continue to be in Europe with Italy, France, Germany and Spain being hardest hit. There are 171 countries reporting cases. Of note significantly, there are NO new local cases reported in China.The WHO has declared COVID-19 as a pandemic.
In Canada, the numbers are rising at an accelerated rate, with over 725 confirmed cases, with 9 deaths. The Public Health Agency of Canada still states that the overall risk of infection in Canada is low, but the entire nation needs to work together to “flatten the epidemic curve” through minimizing spread is key. All Canadians are requested to stay home and work from home, practice social distancing (2m distance) if at all possible.
The existing strong advice on the importance of hand and facial hygiene and “social distancing” still holds.
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